An Economist Looks at 90: Tom Sowell on Charter Schools and Their Enemies
Hoover Institution - 1M views

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Thomas Sowell is the kind of man I aspire to be. He shattered my preconceived notions about race and culture many years ago, and I will be forever grateful for it. The truth matters.
Thomas Sowell is one of the greatest minds of the last 100 years and 9 out of 10 African Americans have never heard of him. It's sad.
Dr. Thomas Sowell is a living, breathing National Treasure. The people that ignore him are the ones who need his wisdom the most.
Let us not fail to recognize that Peter's interviewing capabilities are at the top of the game and should be a standard. The research he has done is hardly matched by even the best.
"Rules without consequences are just suggestions" So true, and SO relevant in today's goings-on...
I have learned more about economics in a few hours on youtube watching Thomas Sowell than in 4 years of college. God bless you Doctor Sowell may you live forever!
This man should have been the first black president.
When Thomas Sowell passes, America will have lost one of its' very best. Hopefully he shares more wisdom and inspires others for as long as possible.
Tray John
Tom Sowell is so smart and should be listened to by all Americans , he is a wealth of knowledge . Happy Birthday , wishing you many, many more!
All the best to a man who will accept nothing less than clear, empirical evidence. Thank you for your integrity and your wisdom, Dr. Sowell!
He’s 13 years older that Biden and 13 times more articulate 🙄
Olivier Mgbra
Ok, can someone explain to me: How do you live to be 90 and still be intellectually active? to be writing at this age, what a quality of life! and a quantity of life too; more of this man is needed at least for my country, Cote d'Ivoire;
Happy 90th Tom. I’m a 25 yr old applied math major who 3 years ago dropped out of an engineering program at a top school.
I engaged in debauched behavior and did not appreciate what was being offered to me.
Tom Sowell became my intellectual savior while listening to random YouTube videos while playing fifa.
I will thank you for the rest of my life and will do my best to expose as many people as I can to your ideas and more importantly to live them.
The way he says, “my gosh” and “heavens, no” will always stick with me. So lucky to be alive at same time of this great mind. Love looking forward to his next appearance
He can’t be 90!!! I pray 120 solid great years for you Mr. Sowell
Thomas Sowell - one of the greatest men who ever lived in recent times. I so much admire his courage and wisdom.
Mark Balderas
I recently gave my son my copy of Dr. Sowell’s “Basic Economics”. I told him that if every High School student was required to read this, we would have less Socialist graduating from college. Love this man...
I could listen to this savant for hours and live every minute of it. He’s a “Why Guy” He goes beyond the surface and gets to the facts of the matter
Brandon Chamberland
Yesterday I was googling charter schools and was thinking, “Gosh, if only it was easy to find someone doing some good research on this who isn’t from a teachers union.” And today I’m blessed with this video!
Thomas Sowell is a hero for me. His incredible writings saved me from the far left and a shit load of insane ideas related to race and disparity of outcome.

Also love the dynamic you and Thomas have. Very much like old friends.
Dr Sowell is undoubtedly an American hero
This man is not just a blessing to Americans, but all around the world. Greetings from Indonesia. Happy 90th birthday, Mr. Sowell. May more people know about you and God bless.
Ancient Exercise
I'm constantly trying to introduce people to Thomas Sowell. He should be a household name.
"I have to laugh because otherwise I would cry... they (the arguments against charter schools) are so bad."

Gotta love Tom Sowell - legend!
Happy 90th, Thomas Sowell is a blessing to this country.
A bastion of sensibility in a world that has completely lost it’s mind.
I’ve only recently discovered Thomas Sowell, and I am devouring his content. He’s such an amazing man and I wish everyone could hear what this great man has to say. He’s been tearing down the leftist lies for years and years, and I hope more people hear his message.
Thomas is an absolute warrior. His will to fight moved me to tears at the end. I feel inspired to try harder and do better. Happy birthday Tom and I pray that you will have many, many more!!!! ❤️
"Rules without consequences are just suggestions" Pure GOLD..
AJ Constantine
Thomas Sowell saved my son & my family by his paper on Einstein Syndrome in kids, combined with and cited extensively by Dr. Darold Treffert (RIP). This led to a unique diagnosis no average “experts” could make. He will always have a sacred place in our family. God bless Dr. Sowell. 🙏👍
Joseph Peck Music
I’ve taught at both Public and Charter schools. I agree more with what Dr. Sowell is saying rather than not. I have been a part of some amazing public schools, but over all, when it comes to public schools where the students are running the show and the teachers are too afraid to be in charge, they are by far less successful than a well run charter school.
This is a man that looked Jim Crow laws in the face and laughed.
Sowell should be introduced as the world's leading expert on Marx and his books should be required reading in schools. His documentation about how much better blacks did during the 100 years after the civil war versus the past 60 years should be repeated by everyone.
It's simple: I see the Thomas Sowell interview, I click it, and watch it.
Me, a liberal: Buys his first Tom Sowell book
For a man to be this sharp at 90 is truly inspiring.
Happy birthday Mr.Sowell. I am a 24yo immigrant to the US and you changed my mindset on many things. I will carry on your legacy and teach my children about hard work and morals.
When I was introduced to Thomas Sowell through his books, I felt as if I had been taught how to think instead of what to think
Dodie Odie
I love the way Thomas Sowell answers a question so quickly and as if the answer is the most obvious thing in the world.
Peter, Your love for Thomas Sowell is palpable in this interview. You are to be congratulated for allowing your passion for knowledge and love of an icon show through in a beautiful way. God speed to you both.
Mr. Thomas Sowell...A National Treasure. Thanks for all your many insights. God bless you. Great interview.
Russ Wentz
Charter Schools: attracting people voluntarily and non union teachers....truly American as our Fore Fathers intended. I thank God for this amazing man, so vary clear-minded at 90 years old. Love his laugh too!
Warren Bainter
I just finished your amazing autobiography, Dr. Sowell. Thank you for your ability to think and research the world around you! You have shown remarkable courage your entire life.
Julia McLaughlin
Thank you for having this remarkable man as your guest. Brilliant discussion - one that sticks with you.
Isa M.
I am immensely grateful that we have a man such as Dr. Thomas Sowell in our midst. I just love this man.
In a way, Thomas Sowell is a intellectual descendant of Fredrick Douglas, Booker T. Washington, and Martin Luther King Jr. We need more thinkers like him today.
This was a wonderful discussion. Thank you Peter Robinson, The Hoover Institution, and most of all, Thomas Sowell.
President Trump, please award him the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
a poor education in New York that I know very little about you. However, that fact does not surprise me. Today, I have been "educated" by you on the the Peter Robinson show. I am happier today than I have been in my 72 yrs of life. Thank you for your dedication and continuous research and thoughts into our history, and a different explanation of what has happened to us. I will forever remember how much meaning you have given to my life and thoughts concerning our great nation. I promise, to read ALL of your books and in my limited way ......speak you name and your thoughts to any and everyone who will hear me. God bless you, and yes...someone hears you. ME!
Please , Mr. Sowell, could you be with us just a few more years? Im from Brazil and saving money to meet you in person, because I would like to thank you for rescuing me from the shadows of ignorance with your books. Happy Birthday, Mr .Sowell.
I wish I could knock 50 years off the age of Dr Sowell so here could be here with us during these hard times ahead. Such a brilliant man.
I’ve watched every Thomas Sowell uncommon knowledge talk 40 times.. I’m excited to watch this 40 times
Dr. Sowell, sir you are a national treasure and big blessing to our country. As an incoming black MD/PhD student, I only hope to emulate this man's wisdom in the intelligentsia, academia, and in the profession of medicine to better health and humanity .
Tom Sowell is an American Patriot. Would love to have a few beers with Tom Sowell and Victor Davis Hanson, in an old fashioned Pub. Now that would be one afternoon to remember.
We desperately need voices like Thomas Sowell's, now more than ever.
I hope this man lives on for at least another 20 years. God bless him.
Sowell 90, as clear and coherent as a bell.
Biden 77, a gibbering idiot.
I love how the Left just ignores Thomas Sowell because they can't play the "racist" card against him because he says things the Left does not like.
Thomas Sowell is one of my heroes. Really inspired me as a young black man to embrace education and rationale though. Really a shame he (along with Walter Williams, Shelby Steele, et al) doesn't get more shine in the black community.
Whew, for a minute, I saw Dr. Sowell's name and his age and worried that he had left us and this world.

I'm glad that it is just another thoughtful conversation with my favorite interviewer/host.
What a man! He opened my eyes to everything a few years ago and because of him I like economics. Its something I thought I'd never say! His use of fact based analysis as well as highlighting comparisons between the same left policies that are passed in different Countries, always have the same outcome. Which proves its the policies not poverty or skin colour which causes and determines the outcome. His work should be be taught worldwide. Much respect to him from Wales UK.
Listening to Dr. Sowell, is akin to Windexing a dirty window.
This man is a national treasure!!🏅🏆
Dr. Sowell, thank you for your commitment to character and to the wellbeing of Americas youth and therefore our country. Every time I read a book of yours or see another interview, I am moved to be deeply thankful for you and how you've been gifted.

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