Quotes by Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell
The political left seems to regard economic policy issues as litmus tests for whether you are a good person, rather than as questions of facts about what works and doesn't work. view tweet
Thomas Sowell
People are never more sincere than when they assume their own moral superiority. view tweet
Thomas Sowell
Expecting government to promote "fairness" is just giving politicians more arbitrary power. view tweet
Thomas Sowell
What do you call it when someone takes someone else's money openly by force? Robbery. What do you call it when a politician takes someone else's money in taxes and gives it to someone who is more likely to vote for him? Social Justice. view tweet
Thomas Sowell
Our children and grandchildren may yet curse the day we began hyping race and ethnicity. There are countries where that has led to slaughters in the streets but you cannot name a country where it has led to greater harmony. view tweet
Thomas Sowell
There are people calling for the banning of assault weapons who could not define an "assault weapon" if their life depended on it. Yet the ignorant expect others to take them seriously. view tweet
Thomas Sowell
It is futile for people who are not racists to try endlessly to prove a negative. Nor should people who are in fact racists be exempt from the charge because of verbal sleight-of-hand, such as adding a proviso of “power” to the definition. view tweet
Thomas Sowell
The endlessly repeated argument that most Americans are the descendants of immigrants ignores the fact that most Americans are not the descendants of illegal immigrants. view tweet
Thomas Sowell
At one time, educators boasted that their role was not to teach students what to think but how to think. Today, their role is far too often to teach students what to think on everything from immigration to global warming to the new sacred trinity of "race, class and gender." view tweet
Thomas Sowell
What was peculiar about the United States was that it was the first country in which slavery was under attack from the moment the country was created. view tweet
Thomas Sowell
What was peculiar about Western civilization was that it was the first civilization to destroy slavery, not only within its own countries but in other countries around the world as well. view tweet
Thomas Sowell
The government may determine and decree a “living wage” under a minimum wage law, but unless the worker actually finds an employer willing to pay him that much, he will remain unemployed with a hypothetical right. view tweet
Thomas Sowell
If you want to see the poor remain poor, generation after generation, just keep the standards low in their schools and make excuses for their academic shortcomings and personal misbehavior. But please don't congratulate yourself on your compassion. view tweet
Thomas Sowell
The ideas of so-called “thinking people” often require much less thinking. Indeed, the less thinking there is about definitions, means, and consequences, the more attractive “social justice” seems. view tweet
Thomas Sowell
Nobody will understand the hard-core political left who does not understand that their politics are not about other people's well-being but about their own egos. view tweet

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