Thomas Sowell: A Conversation With One of America's Leading Conservatives
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This might make me seem like an "Uncle Tom" character, but for Mexicans, however I agree with him on immigration. My father was the first one to arrive in the United States legally, he came here to find work and that's what he did, work. Meanwhile my mother was taking care of my other sibling and I back in Mexico. Eventually he saved up enough money to bring us all here. I'm about to turn 18 and am hoping to become a naturalized citizen. We didn't have to break any laws to be here, and that's how all modern immigrants should do it as well.
I always look forward to listening to Mr. Sowell
"There has always been a path to citizenship. You just don't break into a country and expect to take that path..."
Superb conversation on a wide range of subjects. God Bless Thomas Sowell!
Mr. Sowell is a welcome breath of fresh logical air in a polluted country.
Sowell, an intellectual role-model.
I love learning from mr. Sowell.
I really wish more people in this country new of this man. The media in America will always keep people like this out of their own lime light. How many times has Thomas Sowell been on Charlie Rose?
It takes a strong person to admit they may not have got some things right in the past, to me, that makes them all the more believable and worth listening to, which Thomas Sowell certainly is.
"You can't deter suicidal people. You either stop them or you don't stop them."
It must be really frustrating to be Thomas Sowell. To see the world so clear and to be surrounded by people who are just idiots ... with Phds and college degrees. Good grief.
This the gentleman who not only deserved to be the first Black President - he Still deserves to be President.
And along with him, Walter Williams deserves a Prominent position in his Cabinet.
Samuel Matz
Few take Thomas Sowell seriously. We suffer for not learning what is being taught.
A mind that will stand the test of time
Universal Dr. SOWELL, Facts, Comprensation of the World, Economic, Geo-Politics, world
Inmigration, History..etc.his Academic education and Reserch and his inteligence give us all the inteligent answers. Thank you!!❤
The best. Just the best!
OMG he blew my socks out of the water when he said "if the country would have voted on the content of his chracter, he wouldn't have made it out of the primaries". OH SNAP!
I didn't realize just how good an interviewer Peter Robinson is until I watched this interviewer. Nearly every question statrs with the word "so"...
On thing I want to point out is that, although understandably, we do not want anyone else to possess nuclear weapons for fear of war, the US is the only nation in history to have actually used them on another country.
We would have had Hillary Clinton as president - not a big fucking difference.
I guess you didn't listen to what he said? huh
I'm no expert, but somehow I doubt that Sowell's characterization of Sen. Dodd and Frank "forcing" banks to loan to unqualified people is not exactly how it went down (particularly the people without proof of any job or assets)
But in nowhere did you oppose the war because of the costs it would have on human lives, instead you said that it would be financial disaster. As if the lives of those actually affected by the war, not by having more expensive gasoline but losing family members and dying, wouldnt matter. Thats all.
and? I keep hearing this with no qualification given as to what that means now, and especially what that'll mean when all of that generation die off. Yes, it happened, but what does that have to do with now? Nothing can change?
I admire Sowell greatly. reading his books change how I view the world but he s wrong in Iran. War is old men talking and young men dying. I have yet to see senior Iranian officials willing to die. Suicide bombers are not top government officials. The USSR was quite willing to kill its citizens and sacrifice its soldiers as well, far more than contemporary Iran. Deterrence could still work. Also Iranian presidents hold little power. I suspect they are figureheads for the mullahs, fall guys if need be. The Mullahs care far more about their own standing and power than killing westerners. This a a bargaining chip just like North Korea, and an inevitable development. You cannot halt the spread of technology. 

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