Thomas Sowell -- Basic Economics
Hoover Institution - 2M views

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Regardless of your political affiliation, how is it possible to dislike Thomas Sowell?
"Wealth is created when the conditions are such that the people who know how to create it are free to do so"
"A surplus is when the government has so much money, congress can't spend it all."
Way too accuratešŸ˜‚
"There are no new ideas. Just proposals by Milton Friedman that haven't been enacted yet." Well said.
Thomas Sowell is an America treasure. Thank you, sir.
This guy would dismantle Bernie Sanders
This is timeless intellectual advice! I am watching this on June 1, 2020, while the country is reopening from the COVID-19 shutdowns and being re-shutdown by the George Floyd riots! Thank you, Dr. Sowell!
The fact that schools don't teach this stuff just shows their agenda
Thomas Sowell for President. He's far too great a man to accept such a bid, and that's so much a reason why he should be it. He's the best thinker in contemporary America. Full stopĀ 
This man Thomas Sowell is such a blessing. Every evening I get out my knitting and listen to all his interviews. So uplifting to my spirits just to hear his amazing logic and his turn of phrase and humour. Thank you for sharing these videos with us.
The greatest book I have ever read.Ā  Sowell speaks so simply on some of the most perceived complicated issues in the world.Ā  Every human being should have at least some understanding of economics, I recommend this book to everyone I talk to about economics.
I bought this man's book called "Basic Economics," and it blew me away. I highly recommend reading it or buying the audio book.
This man is a genius! We are so blessed to have the opportunity to listen to him.
The sheer amount of historical knowledge this man not only has but can recite is simply astounding.
1:55 Wealth is created when people are free to create it. Laissez-Faire
2:30 What went wrong?
7:16 Quantitative Easing
8:07 Monetizing the debt. Inflation Tax
9:15 What is Bernanke thinking?

10:50 Tax Rates matter to growth
11:39 Increase in Tax Revenue
12:12 Explain Clinton Tax Revenue
14:27 US Medical Care
15:35 Milton Friedman says itā€™s untenable
16:49 Private Room vs Ward

17:23 Politicians face incentives.
18:35 Chris Christie

18:50 Trade and China
20:30 Smoot-Hawley Tariff was a disaster
22:17 Boris Yeltzin
23:57 China

24:28 The Dollar šŸ’µ . The Euro šŸ’¶

25:36 Do you share Ron Paulā€™s skepticism of The Fed?
28:09 2 brief downturns. Economy takes off.

29:23 Bank Bailouts? Keynesian Economics?
Keynes tools are better than his prescription

31:58 Average citizen needs to know Economics
Foster Crain
Thomas Sowell is a treasure.
Philip Webb
Sowell talks more (un)common sense about economics than anyone I have ever heard. I'm going to have to read his book.
What a true gem Mr. Sowell is.
The government absolutely messed things up regarding the housing market. ....Sowell is 100% correct.
happy gilmore
This guy is amazing...because he sadly is an exception...and also because its so amazing to see such a scholar..ive read his stuff and ive learned alot
Kevin G
In college all I learned about was Keynesian theories. I really wish we would have spent more time on Austrian theory and the work of Friedman and Sowell.
I have the greatest affection for both of you. Learning so much at 71, I feel like an excited college kid - though I have high school ed only.
C'est Magnifique! Merci beaucoup
Just bought this new edition of Basic Economics a week or so back, and am knee-deep in the middle of it now. Simply phenomenal. Wish I'd have read this back when I was going through my Econ courses back in college. A Sowell-inspired Econ course would be one of the best things we could give to future generations!
this man is Brilliant!! His words ring SO TRUE today with Biden in office!
Incandescent Buddha
Still as vigorous and articulate as ever, keep going strong Tom Sowell!
I love this man! His level of intelligence and his ability to explain difficult topics to a wide range of people with such ease always amazes me.
Jamie Gauci
Okay, so I know everyone loves Thomas Sowell, he's very knowledgeable. But I'm from the U.K and at no point have I heard about a scandal involving nurses helping pregnant women when they feel like it.
The NHs has many faults, but this certainty that Americans have about "long waiting times", it's just not true.
If you have a serious situation, you will take priority, there's no issue with that. It's the people with mid level issues that end up have to wait a few hours.
It's still infuriating at times don't get me wrong, but people who are dying of cancer for instance, are not be left to die
Thomas Sowell is a national treasure and isnā€™t allowed to die
We should have people like Thomas Sowell in government ā€¦ people who are experts in economics and politics who know how things should be run ā€¦ and not any selfish climbers who act only in their own interests.
Sowell is usually spot on, but the high cost of health care is not only the result of high-quality, top-shelf service. The apparatus set up by the health insurance companies, the consolidation of the hospital systems, and the price gouging of medicines has added heavily to the overall total.
Kinda sounds stoopid but knowing there are people like tom Sowell in the world helps me sleep at night. I often drift off to his soothing baritone
A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves. Lao Tzu
Concerning the Federal Reserveā€”ā€œWhen someone removes a cancer, what do you replace it with?ā€ Brilliant answer.
Good interviewer, modest and humble, proper interview etiquette
Should be taught in High School
Peter, You are so Great! You are the uncommon Interviewer. And as for the magnificence of the esteemed Dr. Sowell..... two words....Soul Food !
Dr. Sowell is relentlessly consistent and I love it. Is he Canadian? I think our socialism would drive him nuts! He's a delight to listen to.
The fact that the name of the series is "Uncommon Knowledge" and the title of the episode is "Basic Economics" defines the problem in a nutshell.
I just listened to this book and it may seem hard to believe, but there is so much context missing from this section. Sowell is objectively one of the greatest minds to grace this nation
He knew it was comingā€¦ Inflation IS taxation without representation.
"When you remove a cancer what do you replace it with?"
If the nominees from the Republican party could define these issues as well as Dr Sowell does, we could be in a better position maybe. But I don't think most Republicans believe this stuff as much as they say. I mean really, how conservative was Bush?

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