Below is just a list of things want to remember:
11:00 pro life vs pro choice meeting
14:00 Marxian economics
22:42 “Admit people on the basis of qualifications
24:58 why write? To better race?
26:00 having your word distorted
28:15 racial divisions, what is stoking flame?
32:21 when students can’t keep up you need teachers that can’t keep up
32:00 hire “ideologically” black people
37:30 biased against politics
38:00 Congress selling out public interest
40:00 Churchill
41:07 we owe everything to the surrounding society + maximum society
42:15 Jim Crow
44:00 we have history of what happens when you have people trying to coexist with radically different beliefs
44:39 stoking racial division
46:39 -||- + mindset on both sides
48:27 ideologues not wanting to listen
49:24 tenured does not lead to new ideas
51:07 start so re-examine racial dogma that has been repeated
53:00 wanting to write a book on intellectuals