Quotes by Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell
Envy plus rhetoric equals "social justice." view tweet
Thomas Sowell
If navel-gazing, hand-wringing or self-dramatization helped with racial issues, we would have achieved Utopia long ago. view tweet
Thomas Sowell
Those who are primarily concerned about the well-being of the poor are likely to discover over time that much of the agenda of the left does not really do much good for the poor, and some of that agenda—environmental extremism, for example—actually makes the poor worse off. view tweet
Thomas Sowell
Getting rid of capitalist "exploiters" in Communist countries did not raise the living standards of workers, even to levels common in many capitalist countries, where workers were presumably still being exploited, as Marxists conceived the term. view tweet
Thomas Sowell
By the end of the 20th century, a $100 bill would not buy as much as a $20 bill would buy in the middle of that century. For people who saved cash, inflation amounted to an 80 percent tax. view tweet
Thomas Sowell
One of the biggest taxes is one that is not even called a tax — inflation. When the government spends money that it creates, it is transferring part of the value of your money to themselves. view tweet
Thomas Sowell
Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric. view tweet
Thomas Sowell
Arbitrary power is ugly and vicious, regardless of what pious rhetoric goes with it. Freedom is not free. You have to fight for it or lose it. But is our generation up to fighting for it? view tweet
Thomas Sowell
Why is it that so many people who are "pro-choice" when it comes to abortion are against choice when it comes to letting parents choose where their children go to school? view tweet
Thomas Sowell
Liberal fundamentalism at its purest: Protect parasites and law-breakers — and attack those who are producing. The exodus of hundreds of thousands of Californians to other states does not make a dent in this kind of thinking. view tweet
Thomas Sowell
True zealots say that "if it saves just one human life," any measure for the sake of safety is worth whatever it costs. But what if its costs can include other human lives? view tweet
Thomas Sowell
They say cream rises to the top. However, among government employees, the cream tends to leave after a few years, allowing mediocrity to rise to the top. view tweet
Thomas Sowell
Politicians can solve almost any problem — usually by creating a bigger problem. But, so long as the voters are aware of the problem that the politicians have solved, and unaware of the bigger problems they have created, political "solutions" are a political success. view tweet
Thomas Sowell
Why should the fate of the economy depend on the guesswork of the Federal Reserve — and the guesswork of the stock market about what the Federal Reserve will guess? view tweet
Thomas Sowell
F.A. Hayek said, "We shall not grow wiser until we learn that much that we have done was very foolish." Nothing is more foolish — and immoral — than sending men into battle to risk their lives winning victories that are later lost by politicians for political reasons. view tweet

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