Quotes by Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell
The endlessly repeated argument that most Americans are the descendants of immigrants ignores the fact that most Americans are not the descendants of illegal immigrants. view tweet
Thomas Sowell
It is futile for people who are not racists to try endlessly to prove a negative. Nor should people who are in fact racists be exempt from the charge because of verbal sleight-of-hand, such as adding a proviso of “power” to the definition. view tweet
Thomas Sowell
There are people calling for the banning of assault weapons who could not define an "assault weapon" if their life depended on it. Yet the ignorant expect others to take them seriously. view tweet
Thomas Sowell
What do you call it when someone takes someone else's money openly by force? Robbery. What do you call it when a politician takes someone else's money in taxes and gives it to someone who is more likely to vote for him? Social Justice. view tweet
Thomas Sowell
The whole political vision of the left, including socialism and communism, has failed by virtually every empirical test, in countries all around the world. But this has only led leftist intellectuals to evade and denigrate empirical evidence. view tweet
Thomas Sowell
The liberal vision of blacks’ fate as being almost wholly in the hands of whites is a debilitating message for those blacks who take it seriously, however convenient it may be for those who are receptive to an alibi. view tweet
Thomas Sowell
The fundamental difference between equal treatment and equal performance is repeatedly confused. In performance terms, virtually no one is equal to anyone. The same individual is not even equal to himself on different days. view tweet
Thomas Sowell
To this very moment slavery continues in parts of Africa and the Islamic world. Very little noise is made about it by those who denounce the slavery of the past in the West, because there is no money to be made denouncing it and no political advantages to be gained. view tweet
Thomas Sowell
Those who want the government to provide subsidies to help meet the high cost of college seem not to consider whether government subsidies might have contributed to the high cost of college in the first place. view tweet
Thomas Sowell
Dependence was seen as the key to holding the slaves down. It's ironic that same principle comes up in the welfare state a hundred years later. view tweet
Thomas Sowell
While it is true that you learn with age, the down side is that what you learn is often what a damn fool you were before. view tweet
Thomas Sowell
Increasing numbers of educators and the intelligentsia seem to have devoted themselves to undermining or destroying a sense of personal responsibility and making “society” responsible instead. view tweet
Thomas Sowell
Demagogues have always aimed their messages at the unthinking and the uninformed. Unfortunately, today that includes many of our college students. view tweet
Thomas Sowell
As long as millions of Americans vote on the basis of who gives them free stuff, look for their freedom — and all our freedom — to be eroded away, bit by bit. view tweet
Thomas Sowell
Racism is not dead. But it is on life-support, kept alive mainly by the people who use it for an excuse or to keep minority communities fearful or resentful enough to turn out as a voting bloc on election day. view tweet

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